the gilded bellini — Behold, The Best Brunches — THE GILDED BELLINI



A Los Angeles-based brunch and cocktail blog by Brielle Galekovic.

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Welcome to The Gilded Bellini!

Brielle pouring champagne

Creating a blog is something that I have really wanted to do for quite some time now. About a year ago, I honed in on what I wanted my focus to be - brunch and cocktails, but it was just a “maybe someday” kind of thing.


It stemmed from my background in public relations. One of the perks of any PR job is finding out about the newest and coolest things first, whether they’re beauty products, nightclubs, restaurants, or the latest trendy cocktail. Brunches happened to be included in that bunch as well. Through living, going to school, and then working in New York City for about five years, I became obsessed with discovering unique weekend brunches – casual, upscale, trendy, local... It is so exciting to me how every place offers a completely different dining experience that you get to share with your group of friends. And who doesn’t love a good excuse to drink a cocktail at 11 am? It became a weekend requirement for me, and was something my friends and I looked forward to after a long, stressful week.


Over time, I became a go-to amongst friends and friends of friends to give my best weekend brunch recommendations. Which restaurants have the craziest brunches? Which have serious cocktails? Which have bottomless mimosas? Which place has the best ambiance? What do I wear to brunch? These were just some of the frequent questions I was asked all the time.


It wasn’t until I moved to California that my blog transformed from just a well-thought out idea to reality. 


With this blog, I hope to take my readers along with me as I unveil unsurpassed brunch spots both visually and through words. I’ll be reviewing my detailed personal experiences in posts, and will have a video to accompany them for a full on preview of the place I went to.


Additionally, I have a section called “Brunch Attire” that culminates the outfits I wore to each brunch for readers to get an idea of the dress code if they're planning on trying out the spot as well.


I have 2 other sections of the blog: one that is dedicated to a few non-brunch related things I've done, and another that's for posts related to future collaborations, or any other random things I want to share.


Lastly, I have a section called “Cocktail Spotlight.” This is a part of my blog that I wanted to make interactive for my audience. No matter if you’re located in LA, New York City, New Jersey, Italy, Croatia…wherever in the world and you discover an amazing cocktail that you feel deserves recognition, I want YOU to tell ME about it! Write your own short post about the details of what makes the cocktail so special, along with its name, a photo of it, and the place where you drank it. Email it to me at or by using the contact form to get in touch with me, and I’ll feature it on my page. Feel free to also hashtag #thegildedbellini on Instagram for anything brunch or cocktail relating that you want to be seen! :) 


Over the past several months, I’ve spent a ton of time trying to perfect this blog as much as possible, all while having very little experience in website development and video editing to begin with. All I really had in the very beginning was a passion for writing, an eagerness to interact with people both visually and through prose, and a genuine love for having fun at brunch. The videos, the site… is all self-taught, so please forgive me if some video quality might not be the best :) I am totally open to suggestions, thoughts, and comments on the blog and am more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


I am ecstatic to finally have my site go live. It has been a long time coming. And I am even more excited to be able to bring you along for this new project! I can’t wait for your feedback, your submissions, and to be your go-to for the best brunch spots I know you’ll love.